Trans Protection Party


To The Trans People

It is our mission to satisfy the needs of the people through organizing, mutual aid, material distribution, cooperation and communism- all by any means necessary, that is why we wear red and black- to symbolize this commitment we have to our principles. Red and black being the colors of the anarchist. We as a people commit to ourselves, each other, and the collective effort for an equitable world for ALL PEOPLE! We do not believe most of us can survive the twenty-first century without these means. Together we are much stronger than we are as individuals. The capitalist superstructure that we are contained in encourages hyper-individualism, but when we allow this to be the norm we are isolated and weak. Alone, we can only rely on our own strengths and compete with our own weaknesses. Together, we can achieve anything, including surviving the political and physical hostilities waged on us in this current time. Our objective to keep Trans People to increase lifespans and livelihoods can be achieved through solidarity, care, resistance, militance, and creativity. We live together, we love one another, and we protect each other over everything. We are fighting for our very rights to live, and while we do so - we vow to protect each other’s lives.


  1. We Want Freedom. We Want Power to Determine the Destiny of Our Trans Community. We believe that Trans people will not be free until we are able to determine our destiny.

  2. We Want Full Employment for Our People. We believe that the federal government is responsible and obligated to give every person employment or a guaranteed income. We believe that if the American businessmen will not give full employment, then the means of production should be achieved by our community, and placed in the community so that the people of the community can organize and employ all of its people and give a high standard of living.

  3. We Want An End to the Robbery By the Capitalists of Our Trans Community. We believe in a more equitable distribution of trans health care drugs and procedures for those who need them. We seek to disrupt the status quo of capitalist domination over our Trans Bodies, and to enable Trans People to have access to medicine and procedures regardless of wealth or permission.

  4. We Want Decent Housing Fit For The Shelter of Human Beings. We believe that if the Wealthy Landlords will not give decent housing to our Trans Community, then housing and the land should be made into cooperatives so that our community, with government aid or by any means necessary, can build and make decent housing for its people.

  5. We Want Education for Our Children that exposes the true nature of this American Society. We Want Education That Teaches Us Our True History And Our Role in the Present-Day Society. We believe in an educational system that will give to our people a knowledge of self. If a person does not have knowledge of themselves and their position in society and the world then they have little chance to relate to anything else.

  6. We Want All Trans PEOPLE To Be Exempt From Military Service. We believe that Trans People should not be forced to fight in the military service to defend a transphobic government that does not protect us. We will not fight and kill other people in the world who, like Trans People, are being victimized by the racist, transphobic, anti-women and children government of America. We will protect ourselves from the force and violence of the racist transphobic police and the racist transphobic military, and racist transphobic paramilitary groups by whatever means necessary.

  7. The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States gives a right to bear arms. We therefore believe that all capable Trans people should arm themselves for self-defense and for the defense of our community. We can protect ourselves, together.

  8. We Want Freedom For All Trans People Held in Federal, State, County and City Prisons and Jails. We believe that all Trans People should be released from the many jails and prisons because they have not received a fair and impartial trial, and because it is our prerogative as Trans People to be abolitionists towards the Prison Industrial Complex, which is a weapon against us. We want an end to systematic violence towards trans people, police brutality towards trans people, and the total abuse we face as a people at the mercy of the standing powers.

  9. We Want All Trans People When Brought to Trial To Be Tried In Court By A Jury Of Their Peer Group Or People From Their Trans Communities, As Defined By the Constitution of the United States. We believe that if the courts should exist, they should follow the United States Constitution so that Trans people will receive fair trials. The Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives a person the right to be tried by his peer group. A peer is a person from a similar economic, social, religious, geographical, environmental, historical, and racial background. To do this the court will be forced to select a jury from the Trans community from which the Trans defendant came. We have been, and we are being, tried by juries that have no understanding of the humanity of Trans People, or of the realities of life as a Trans Person.

  10. We have a right to exist just as much as any other person, so we are determined that we will continue to exist- regardless of any legislation or violence waged against us by the state or by paramilitary forces. We declare that Trans People Will Survive The Twenty First Century, and we will do our very best to thrive while we are doing it.

To those who wish to enter TPP spaces


  • We agree to keep our communication centered in care. This community is where we love, we direct our aggression towards our oppressors.

  • We will respect that this is a Trans led space, and that in our community- Trans, black, people of color, women, and disabled people- will all be respected and heard.

  • We will do what we can. This is a voluntary organization, your level of involvement is up to you. Take breaks if you need to.

  • We will not work to disrupt the activities Or principles of the Trans Protection Party.


TPP is principled around protecting trans people. We do provide a community, but we also participate in a united front of antifascists and communists. It is our conviction that the system of capitalism is not good enough for the disenfranchised. We are committed to assist in building the communist international (a borderless world, where resources are extracted with responsibility and all people are treated with humanity and equity. A world where labor is fair and technology is our friend. Where everyone is a citizen. With no military industrial complex, prison industrial complex etc). We need to assist in this united front with abolitionists, antifascists, communists, socialists, anarchists , feminists, environmentalists, black antifascists and anyone contending with our shared oppressors because an equitable world is only achievable in a world without systematic capitalist exploitation, systematic racism, systematic sexism and systematic religious control. Trans people need an equitable world, it’s what we fight for. So we act as a hub to access direct action relevant to our cause, for trans people , gender non conforming people, and allies. Because while we build community and resilience together- we need to help fight to make something new- arm in arm with the wretched of the earth in their eyes. Our power is the people, all people. We are communists. Socialism is a tool to put top down pressure on legislative powers and to give bureaucratic aid to the people within our system. Anarchy is our uniform, we commit to our cause. By any means necessary- we protect trans people, and work towards a better world for everyone. Communism is the goal, the world needs love. The planet needs our attention. The people need an end to violence. And trans people DESERVE a FUTURE. Capitalism and nationalism are decrepit - this system fails us entirely. TPP says, let’s give trans people a real target, the thing that actually fails them above everything else, that staffs the halls of power with people who hate us or who do not grace us with their divine attention. We are all we have, TPP inflates that WE by multiplication. Are you all catching my drift?


  1. Identify as a person of the party.

  2. Show up, communicate and work- if you are the only TPP party member in your areayou should work to make more members so you have people to operate with. This is called making a pack.

  3. Stick to the principles and convictions, the strategy is always subject to dynamic change.

  4. Work with your pack to help other packs, parties, organizations and people on specific actions that align with our objectives.

  5. If you are capable, acquire more than you need, and share.

  6. Wear your colors, especially when you go out, especially when you go out to do action. Red on top, black on bottom. A red top and black bottoms, or a black outfit with a red hat. This helps us identify one another and builds solidarity and trust. Your colors are a privilege and an honor. Terminated members will not wear colors or claim our community.

  7. We handle our disputes among ourselves. Those who call the authorities or inform on TPP party members will have their membership terminated. Remember to handle our internal conflicts with the utmost care and compassion. Our lives, well being and freedom are of the highest value.

  8. We do not allow our Trans community to go unfed, unhoused, uneducated, unmedicated, or unprotected. We are the Trans Protection Party and we act on our convictions.

  9. If you are well enough to own a firearm, please do own a firearm. Weapons provide power that can transcend changing legislation against us, and answer for the violence we face as a people.

  10. Fight and work like hell, be creative with our power and apply it as you go along. Don’t get jammed up.


There is no big bad for trans people, other than systems and principles aimed against us. Namely- capitalism, democracy, nationalism, militarism, the system of incarceration, fascism and theocracy. Therefore, the antagonists that we struggle against for an equitable world are many. It is like a many headed hydra, where if we attack one aspect of these systems, another head will act to bite us. This is one of the many reasons we operate in a United Front of all people fighting these systems- because, this thing we fight, this thing that presses us down- it is vast, capable, and complex. So, we too need those attributes to fight this fight, and we only gain them together. We layer ourselves into the multifaceted battle for the world yet to come, and we persevere until it’s over. That is the way forward for us. With love.


(read “Abolition, Feminism, NOW”- by Angela Davis for starters)

In the Trans Protection Party, we call the region that we operate out of and the community of members relevant to that region, a pack. If you are near an existing pack, join them- if you are not… make one. This is how.

There are a few specific types of people you will need to start a pack, and the very first one of them should be an individual who is capable of outreach. What makes a person capable of outreach is a grounded political education, a bit of bravery- and a dash of charisma. This person should be the one finding the other people necessary to make a pack. They should show up at other leftist organizing spaces and scout for potential members, and to spread the message of the Trans Protection Party when appropriate. It helps if this person adopts the habit of wearing colors right away, as it illustrates you as a member, and an official liaison (even if you are not one). The political theater of platforming TPP in this way will take you far, as the culture and message are compelling ones that will signal revolution in the hearts and minds of the community around you. The compelling nature of this activity will build your base and your united front simultaneously. Build socials while you can, and do it right under the nose of power as fast and hard as possible. (Be sure to label your socials with your city or region so that they can be regionally identified by your base and also our seed cell in Kansas City- which is where this movement has taken root)

The first people this individual should source would be organizers, activists- and people already engaged in the struggle for liberation. Which order you get them in is up to you, but I recommend seeding the base of your pack with key people of color, with key skills. The first key person I recommend would be a librarian to act as a clerical organizer, note taker, history keeper- and key strategist. Our librarian was added three months prior to our launch and they couldn’t have come sooner. The recording of information provides the foundation of effective organizing- and the librarian will have special insights because of their task.

The second individual I would recommend inducting is going to be a propagandist. You need someone who can write or design or both, because the revolution happens much faster when it looks cool. Write compelling essays, zines, columns, and speeches and then achieve wins by platforming them. Put propaganda online and on the streets to build your base. Music, video and theater are also effective means of propaganda, and TPP will always encourage revolutionary art.

The third individual I recommend is the researcher- you need someone who is compelled by their political education to use their skill set of knowledge acquisition for the revolutionary cause. This ability to acquire information will be critical to allocating resources and assets, as well as to inform your larger movement strategies accurately. This individual should have an extraordinary ability to do this if possible.

Once You have a small base built from the outreach of the seed member and the work of the propagandist- you will need to vet your base. Ideally you will be doing this from the very beginning so you aren’t playing catch up. TPP is popular here and you should be mindful of how fast you can accidentally grow. You, your librarian, and your propagandist will do the initial vetting required for pack membership. All leadership positions have access to democratic decision making, that’s how we do it here- and it seems to be working fine.


This is how I’ve been doing it:

  1. names and pronouns, and intersectional identities- from both the interviewer and interviewed.
  2. references, how did they get here?
  3. ask their political education, their experiences with organizing or activism
  4. explain our foundations of abolition and communism rooted in the tradition of American black antifascism
  5. tell them our commitments to keep trans people together, protected, and well- while we act as a hub for them to engage in the revolution with our united front.
  6. ask if they understand the principles and if it sounds like something they are interested in
  7. ask them about their skills and interests
  8. identify how their skills and interests might be of service to the revolution and talk about that
  9. ask if they want to be a member and to use their skills and knowledge to put labor towards a revolution
  10. induct their membership if they consent. Let them know they can wear their colors and identify as a member. Remind them not to talk about illegal direct action in comms. Refer to the community agreements
  11. ask if they have any questions or comments
  12. close
  13. report to leadership council about the member and where they might fit

One of our researchers and our librarian came up with these additional questions you could ask when interviewing a potential new member -

  • Not only ask who invited them but ask which members they know and then we can ask all of the members they know to vouch for them if needed.

  • What is their motivation for joining this group?

  • Do you understand that this group may at times require breaking the rules as a revolutionary strategy?

  • What does protecting trans people mean to you/what is your connection to the trans community?

  • Who do you not get along with? (One of my favorite interview questions)

  • What’s an unpopular opinion that you have?

  • How do you feel about gun control/being around firearms?

  • We often work with other minority groups. Are you going to have any issues working with people of different races or religious beliefs?

  • Are you a cop? Have you ever been a cop? Are there any cops in your life?

  • Are you an employee of the US government?

  • Are you active-duty military?

  • What is your position on immigration?

  • What need do you have that you would like this community’s help in solving? (If they don’t have a quick answer on this it’s a potential red flag imo.)

  • What organizing have you done in the past? What groups are you currently affiliated with?

  • What groups do you have past affiliation with?

Feel Free to ask your own questions, but remember- the point is to identify whether or not they belong in your revolutionary cadre. It is also so that the interviewer has platform to confirm the principles and objective of Trans Protection Party- Which can be summed up as:

  • We are committed to keeping trans people safe, by feeding them, clothing them, housing them, medicating them, keeping them together in a community, and protecting them with firearms. We are also committed to acting as a hub to engage this same community in direct revolutionary action toward the world that aligns with our objective- which is a communist international- where no one is a refugee, a migrant or insurgent- where the weapons of war are only in museums, where the planet and the animals and the people are revered, where there is no need for systematic carceral harm- where all disparaged people are made wholeand there is no more systematic exploitation whatsoever. This is the world that trans people require, and we believe it is the world all marginalised people require. We, therefore, commit to this cause, by any means necessary- until the fight is over!

If they aren’t moved by a statement like that, they are perhaps in the wrong place. You can word the explanation of our commitments differently, so long as it means the same thing. This is our meaning… it will always be our meaning. Until the fight is over, and we no longer need to live and act as revolutionaries. When that happens, take your colors off and rest.

If they commit to this cause, these principles, this revolutionary objective, and they accept your invitation to join- they are a member of TPP. They should be encouraged to wear red and black in public- and to posture as a revolutionary. They should also be encouraged to act as a revolutionary by installing them in one of your work teams. Get creative! If they have a niche skill or special interest- utilize it. Those skills and interests are often the foundation for a program or labor team. Things like hacking, chemistry, writing, combat training, intelligence, law, mutual aid, and taxes- are just a few examples of special interests we have utilized. The more you build your base and united front, the more access to network and assets your pack is going to have. Try to balance your growth with your ability to monitor and verify the base you are building- because a disparity can spell disaster.

Once you have an established pack, reach out. Reach out often, and to many people. Certainly connect with other TPP packs- but be careful to engage with local abolitionist, communist, socialist, feminist, environmentalist, and anti-war efforts. Anything that matters. Show up for disabled people. Show up for trans people. The important thing is to show up. If you are in your colors with your comrades- you will look very cool. People will be interested in you and your group, they will eventually platform you to speak. Once they let you speak, everything changes. TPP messaging is compelling, and you will see that for yourself as you become established.

Making a pack is a brave thing, but I want you to know that it is possible. Last year I was imprisoned, this year I am free. I had no money, no startup, no 501- nothing. It will build itself, all you have to do is carry the message. Reach out to KC pack if you need help, we were the first- and we want to help you. You may find that we have something like destiny’s favor as an organization- and I hope your pack is touched by that same providence.

Be mindful of your security, and move slow enough to be safe- but fast enough to be revolutionary..

Break it in to segments

You will find that your pack will grow quickly, and with that many labor bodies you can do revolutionary acts in real life. But what actions do you choose? I recommend utilizing the base to submit ideas- because they will have ideas that you might not otherwise think of. After the base and leadership submit your ideas, have a leadership council- of all the leaders you’ve installed in the different labor teams- and go over the itemized list of action suggestions. Deliberate amongst yourselves about which ones are the most important and then democratically decide which actions your pack will formally pursue. We work like this in quarters- Q1 starting December 21st, the winter solstice. The three months in between the spring equinox is the calendar window to accomplish our Q1 goals. Your pack doesn’t have to adopt this schedule, but having due dates on your goals will make them become achievements. Utilize your different labor teams and programs by delegating the compartmentalized labor out to the appropriate personnel. These goals, when broken down, become projects with due dates- assigned to committed teams. Then they become reality. Don’t forget to take care of eachother humanely while you approach the revolution pragmatically. Try not to make your official actions ones that result in the incarceration or death of your members- that needs to be said. Love is at the center.

What to do if someone messes up

In life- people make mistakes. It is even in the realm of possibility (probability) that certain people will act as a disruptor, or an infiltrator. All of this on top of the fact that there are still people in this world that would commit assault, SA, or rob a fellow party member. If this or any principle-compromising act is noticed by a fellow party member or confessed by the perpetrator- it is your responsibility to call for an expulsion council. An expulsion council is all the pack leaders relevant- and all the base relevant- and the defendant- This will be the democratic stage for which the defendant is tried for their crime. The defendant can choose to not go to their expulsion council at the summons of their pack, but if they do soconsider them expelled. If they do show up- FORM A CIRCLE- the leadership and base stand to make the circumference, the defendant sits directly in the center to be judged by their community. The leadership will all have a chance to say something to the accused, whether it is accusation or question- and in turn, the defendant can respond to each claim or question posed to them individually. Once this process is done, let the base speak to the defendant, to voice their outrage, concern, condemnation or forgiveness. Then let the defendant have the final word before the council convenes on the decision of expulsion.

Every leader has a vote- so call a private vote and decide the fate of the member. Do not hurt them, do not kill or maim them whatsoever- simply expel them or don’t. After this deliberation, announce the decision formally and publicly right then and there with everyone present.


– They are prohibited from entering Trans Protection Party Spaces – They are prohibited from using Trans Protection Party Communications – They are prohibited from contributing to Trans Protection Party labor and activity – They are cut off from our formal material distribution – They are prohibited from wearing our uniform

Whether or not your pack’s individual composition helps the expelled in mutual aid or their own effort is not an issue. We do not want the expelled to die, but they will be barred from our formal systems of aid and access to our formal activities. I encourage you to treat the expelled with suspicion at best. Try not to expel members very often, no one likes court.

I do not recommend letting them apply for readmission, but that is up to your pack.


Return to the center of this whole movement- ground yourself and the pack in the objective and principles, then keep going. This will get stressful, but together you can accomplish anything. We are doing all this to fight for a better world, while making one in real time for our intersectional community- with trans people at the very center. Is the base fed, housed, medicated and physically protected from harm? If the answer to that question is yes, then slow down- refocus your efforts, and get the pack well. If the revolutionaries are not healthy, then revolutionary action becomes unstable and ineffective. We engage in the objective, but not at the total loss of our people. The answer to finding balance is with the base, meet their needs and they will meet the organization’s needs. No one wants to fight a battle on an empty stomach while they are detransitioning- so do right by the base, and the base will do right by you.


An intersection is where multiple pathways meet. Trans people are the most intersectional people on planet Earth. We come from every nation, speak every tongue, have skins of every color, worship every god or goddess, and come from wealth and poverty alike. We believe in nothing, and we believe in everything. We are everywhere - and our concern is everything. We are men, women and everything else or in between. Our intersectionality is observably the most inclusive intersectionality possible on the planet right now- and we should be wise to use it like a super power. Within our own pack here, we have members of every color. Some of them are muslim, some of them are atheists, some of them are witches- there are no limitations to who can be a party member. (I don’t recommend enlisting law enforcement) We even have white cis men, some of them help run our defense program! Every person who wants the revolution, and can stand to let trans people be the center of our party and our revolutionary labor, can be a TPP member. This time next year we hope to have more of an expanded presence around the globe, and not just for our own benefit- but for the revolution’s benefit. Our intersectionality is a superpower- because we can work to sew the revolutionary causes around us together, especially the causes of abolition, communism, environmentalism and feminism. I have had the great fortune of being informed by abolitionist writers like Angela Davis- who laid out so much of the groundwork for our revolutionary concepts. All these causes are aimed at the same future, and none are possible in totality without the others. This is where we step in as a party and expose these obvious similarities around us and galvanise them. We will always have each other to keep community with and to be safe around, but what about building the world in our communities to look more like the future we are attempting to win as we go along? We can use our intersectional power to act as chameleons in the groups around us- to pull them together. To build a total community from separated struggles and marginalized groups, and make them well by our constant example and occasional guidance. We work to establish mutual aid networks, culturally enforced restorative justice habits, material aid distributions, free public programs, community housing, and mobile medical care- all despite the capitalist superstructure that prohibits and cripples us. We do this bravely, and consistently. We are engaged in a people’s war, and one thing we need more than anything is the people’s esteem. We no longer require toleration to live our lives, we require esteem to live out the revolution. We can hardly consider pushing the envelope of aggression if we are not simultaneously pushing the envelope of love and justice. We can hardly consider attacking the infrastructure or personnel of the old world, without building up the world of the future as we go along. I hope that the Trans Protection Party will become a beacon of direction towards the global stage- so I want to encourage you to act on principles towards your local stage. The microcosms of our own political education become our words and actions, to become our network and assets, to become our battle plans, to become our revolution, to become the future that all people desperately need and deserve- especially the most disenfranchised.

The battle plan

The revolution will not be televised. The revolution will not be funded by the government. The revolution will not be won in one strategic blow. The revolution is outlawed, discouraged and dismissed. We are the constant victims of counter-intelligence and propaganda, so expect that the revolution will be the target of misinformation and misdirection. The game is to put pressure on the oppressors when the opportunity is viable, and never when it isn’t. The game is to be a real revolutionary without becoming incarcerated or dead. While I love a martyr, they aren’t here to be adaptable with us as we go along- and we should consider that a very sad thing. We must protect each other from incarceration or death, and consider it our highest responsibility as we pursue our future. We have our own justice system, we have our own culture that enforces itself- so we no longer require the police in our lives. We practice restorative justice so that we no longer require the old world’s courtrooms. In these ways, we can protect each other from exposure to forces of systematic violence that we currently live under. The central task of any party member should always be this- protect each other. We can work out the revolution as we go along- because the systems we are competing against make a moving target of themselves. They are ruthless reactionaries in gilded castles. They are colossal… but remember what Lenin said:

  • The colossus of imperialism has proven to be a colossus with feet of clay.

They don’t want you to know how incredibly fragile the modern state of the world actually is. It is so fragile, that your knowledge alone is a threat to the status quo. At the time that I write this updated version of our manifesto, there is a great class awakening happening all around us. We can easily see the trajectory of the power of the people being steered by this awakening class consciousness in our communities and elsewhere. Last week, Luigi Mangione allegedly executed United Healthcare CEO- Brian Thompson in broad daylight on a New York sidewalk. The public response was celebratory and revealed a powerful solidarity opposing class exploitation. It awakened class consciousness in the sleeping public, and emboldened revolutionaries worldwide. If indeed Luigi was the actual killer, then the public failed at performing solidarity. We must always rehearse our solidarity in everything that we do, because in the heat of the fire it becomes our safety. We expect counter-intelligence from the halls of power, so we speculate on a number of things. They can’t have us thinking that we can touch them, move them, hurt them or kill them. Power is very real, but it often employs the service of illusions to protect its own weaknesses. I am not here to speculate on conspiracy, but the nature of living in this imperial core shrouds us in ignorance and superstition, intentionally and constantly. That is why it is so important to return to principles, objective, and community- always. If we stray from that, then we flirt with becoming lost in the cloud. Do not get lost.

We choose our battles, we choose our tactics and strategies- we do this with dynamic adaptability and grave responsibility. We do this in private amongst our most trusted cadres only… We do this indefinitely until the revolution is won.